5 Easy & Effective Real Estate Marketing Tips

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The real estate industry has had some interesting ups and down over the past decade.

The NAR (National Association of Realtors) membership hit its all-time high back in 2006 with 1,357,000 realtors. Then, it dropped dramatically with the housing financial crisis in 2008. That was not the worst that was yet come for memberships though, it finally hit rock bottom in 2012 (with 999,000 members).

Since it’s demise, it has been steadily increasing. As of 2014, there were nearly 1,100,000 members.

That should tell you, the competition is once again, heating up.

With competition being fierce you really need to be the expert with online and offline marketing. It’s time to stand out above the noise and make your mark as a thought leader in real estate.

The other thing you might want to take into consideration is that realtors will soon be dying on the vine. We are in a market downturn and the economy (globally) is feeling this. If you want to weather the storm, you will also want to follow along below.


1) You’ve Got To Be Social For Real Estate Marketing!

This includes online and offline.

First and foremost you have to have all of your social media accounts set up and they must all be similar. The name you use on one social media channel should be used throughout all of them. Make sure you are on the channels your demographic and audience is on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, Twitter, Google+, etc.

Be mindful of who you are talking to, what their home needs are and what your brand is. If you are selling high luxury homes in the Hollywood Hills chances are you don’t need to be some social channels.

Once you have your social set up, ensure eager shoppers are able to easily share your contact, homes and information with their friends and family. Be sure to add your social buttons to your website.

As for offline… You have to be authentic. What you see is what you get. If you are super chatty and kind online but then a complete ass who is standoffish in person, there is going to be some major discount with branding.


2) Find Your Niche. Stick To It.

You cannot be everything to everybody. You can try! But it’s best to really drill down for your real estate marketing efforts.

However, if there is a lot of competition in your area you will want to stand out by going niche. You have to become the expert and the thought leader in for a particular vertical. That can include being the go to realtor for: families, divorced couples, people right sizing, etc. Whatever it is, make yourself a name in that area. If there are not a lot of luxury properties in your community, it might not be wise to brand yourself as the luxury realtor. However, if you live in a community with several multi million dollar homes – it would be wise to be the go to realtor for luxury homes over 20MM.


3) Become A Regular On Breakfast Morning TV or In A Local Magazine Publication

They always say, it’s about location, location, location and thats true about you!

Use your local TV and popular magazines to highlight yourself. Being on TV talking about the local real estate market is very effective for marketing yourself tool! It highlights you as a thought leader and ensures that you are always insight and in mind. Also, being on TV provides you instant credibility.

Is there a local publication regrading to real estate, interior decoration or banking? If so, attempt to get yourself published in one of those magazines either on the first couple of pages – or even get your advertising on the very back page.


4) Become An Event Pro

Spruce up the traditional “open house” and host open house parties. Bring the community together with local bites and drinks. Don’t just invite typical buyers but invite the neighbourhood. The more eyes on the property, the better.

real estate marketing


5) Monthly Live Market Updates

Have you ever watched the Saretsky Report? Every month he delivers accurate, data based statistics regarding what is happening with the Vancouver real estate market.

He leaves bias at the door and tackles issue at a micro level rather than a macro level so that you can be sure the information you are regarding or listening to is actually relevant.


Final Thoughts

If you want to stand above the noise you have to be creative and find new ways to appeal to your demographic. You might also want to try:

  • engaging with interior designers to create partner channels
  • partner with hospitals to help locums with housing
  • partner with universities to support new professors and students looking for housing

No matter what you do, make yourself memorable.

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